What is SSL Stripping and How to Stop SSL Stripping Attack?

What is SSL Stripping and How to Stop SSL Stripping Attack?

Overview of SSL Stripping and How to Stop Stripping Attack

In today’s digital age, security is of the utmost importance when it comes to online transactions and communication. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) establishes a secure connection between a web server and a web browser. However, even with the use of SSL, there is still a potential threat known as SSL stripping. It has proven to be dangerous to cybersecurity as it allows attackers to intercept and modify SSL/TLS encrypted traffic.

Here is a SSL stripping explained in easy terms.

What is SSL Stripping?

In SSL stripping, an attacker intercepts and modifies a client’s and server’s communication. This downgrades the connection from a secure HTTPS connection to an insecure HTTP connection. Thus, the attacker can view or modify the data transmitted between them. These attacks are particularly dangerous, as an attacker can intercept the communication between a client and a server in real-time without the client having any knowledge about it.

An attacker can launch SSL stripping attacks through a number of methods, like using a malicious Wi-Fi hotspot or using a man-in-the-middle attack to intercept the traffic as it passes through a network.

